2015: My practice book about Prezi at dpunkt.verlag
„Packend präsentieren mit Prezi“
Important: This book is technically outdated and does not cover Prezi Next!
Nevertheless you will find here my information collection and in particular all the prezis on the book.
Who is this practical manual intended for?
The book „Packend präsentieren mit Prezi“ is a workbook and is intended for everyone who
wants to present their work.
- no longer feel like classic slide presentations and want to get to know a real
alternative presentation software, - want to get a comprehensive introduction to the Prezi program,
- need answers to various technical and design questions
or - want to deepen your knowledge about Prezi in order to inspire your audience with more sophisticated and appealing Prezis in the future.
The idea of the book
A good Prezi includes two things: the confident use of the presentation tool Prezi and the knowledge of how to create good presentations with it.
I discovered Prezi 2011 for myself and since 2012 I belong to the „Independent Prezi Experts“ – the officially Prezi recognized experts. I create
daily presentations and have already trained many users in the use of Prezi. I found out that for beginners as well as for advanced users two things are especially helpful to work with Prezi: a detailed manual for using the tool and concrete practical examples, which not only show the final result, but also reveal how the Prezi was built.
In this book I would like to give you practical help so that you are able to create great presentations with Prezi.
I do not assume that you have studied design or have studied the subject of presentation in depth. Rather, my working hypothesis is that you have an activity that repeatedly requires you to present in front of others or create for other presentations. You want good results, but don’t have the time to sit in front of your computer forever.
Presentations are good if they show the intended effect. The effort and benefit of the presentation should be balanced.
Prezis to book
Here you will find all presentations with Prezi discussed in detail in the book and mentioned briefly as well as the Prezis, which serve as working material for individual sections of the book